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The Research Process: A Step-By-Step Guide: 5a. Avoid Plagiarism

Keys to Avoiding Plagiarism

To avoid plagiarizing:

  • Paraphrase the original text into your own words.
  • Use quotation marks around text that has been taken directly from the original source.
  • Cite every source of information you use in your paper unless it is common knowledge or the results of your own research.

Plagiarism Tutorials

Real World Examples

Think plagiarism is just an issue for college students writing research papers? Think again!  Check out these real world examples of celebrities being accused of plagiarizing.

Plagiarism Handout

Plagiarism: Don't Do It

Posted with permission from Lehman College.

Mendocino College's Academic Honesty Guidelines

Students at Mendocino College are required to adhere to the college's Academic Honesty Guidelines.  Students are expected to avoid any type of dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:  Mendocino College Logo

  1. Plagiarism (copying someone else's sentences or phrases, using another author's ideas without acknowledgement of the source, re-writing a research paper that incorporates significant material from a paper written by another person, submitting a research paper borrowed from another student or commercial use) 
  2. Cheating.
  3. Fabrication.
  4. Duplication of assignments.
  5. Aiding in dishonesty.
  6. When an instructor is confronted with evidence of academic dishonesty, s/he will take appropriate action against the student.  This action may include:  reassignment of the paper, exam, or project; assignment of a failing grade; or recommendation to the Superintendent/President for dismissal from the course.  

Students may appeal a faculty member’s decision through the Student Grievance and Due Process procedure. (Board Policy 534 and Administrative Procedure 534.1)

Read the full document by click on the Academic Honesty Guidelines:  

   Source:  Mendocino College Academic Honesty Guidelines

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