M - Th: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Questions about borrowing library textbooks, Chromebooks, or other materials?
Call us: 707-468-3158
Email us: libraryhelp@mendocino.edu
Need assistance with your research?
Call us: 707-468-3245
Email us: librarian@mendocino.edu
Ukiah Campus
Library/Learning Center, 2nd Fl.
1000 Hensley Road
Ukiah, CA 95482
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The OneSearch platform (also known as Primo) is being used at nearly all of the California Community Colleges, all of the California State Universities, and most UCs.
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Ukiah Campus: 707.468.3053 | Coast Center: 707.961.2200 | Lake Center: 707.263.4944 | North County Center: 707.459.6224 Email: Library Webmaster | Mendocino Community College
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