"Open educational resources (OER) are any resources available at little or no cost that can be used for teaching, learning, or research. The term can include textbooks, course readings, and other learning content; simulations, games, and other learning applications; syllabi, quizzes, and assessment tools; and virtually any other material that can be used for educational purposes. [...] OER can originate from colleges and universities, libraries, archival organizations, government agencies, commercial organizations such as publishers, or faculty or other individuals who develop educational resources they are willing to share."
Source: "7 Things You Should Know About Open Educational Resources" by EDUCAUSE
Image Source: "OER Square" by Lane Community College is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
A New and Easy Way to Find and Select OER and ZTC for Your Classes
To learn more, see the Flyer and quick Tutorial below
Staring in Summer 2019, we have been using a symbol in our published class schedule to highlight those classes that use online free textbooks/course materials.
We will also be writing a note in the schedule to let students know that there is no textbook cost associated with the class.
Please contact Rebecca Montes if your next semester's class will be using free textbooks.
ZTC and OER (September 2022)
Background on ZTC from the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges (Fall 2021)
AB-798 College Textbook Affordability Act of 2015
ARTICLE 4. Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program [78050 - 78052] - Ed Code
Webinars - Upcoming and Archived
Resources from the ASCCC Canvas Site
Newsletter Sign-up -- Choose "ASCCC OER Initiative" from the drop-down menu to learn more.
Mendocino College librarians are happy to assist with any questions you might have.
Library Reference Desk
Get answers to your questions at a time that works for you - in person or via Zoom.
This guide contains materials derived from multiple works from the following source: "Faculty Guide to OER" by Tacoma Community College Library licensed under CC BY SA 4.0
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