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Original, in-depth reporting and analysis on current issues in the news covering topics ranging from the environment, the economy, health, social trends, technology, criminal justice, international affairs and more.
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Learn a bit about homelessness: who it affects, what the challenges are, what the possible solutions are?
The McKinney-Vento Definition of Homeless Youth and Children
Sonoma County Dept of Health Services - Definition of Homelessness
Housing and Urban Development - Definition of Homelessness, Resources and Guides
These APA Style guidelines list less biased, more inclusive terms to use when writing about socio-economic status.
Notice, however, that terms that we use today may not be the terms to use in your search.
For example, if you're looking for information about homelessness from an historical perspective, other terms may have been used to describe people experiencing homelessness.
For example, you might have success searching terms such as
You can also search various groups affected by homelessness such as
OneSearch allows you to find books, articles, videos, images, periodicals and more in a single search.
The OneSearch platform (also known as Primo) is being used at nearly all of the California Community Colleges, all of the California State Universities, and most UCs.
If you have any questions or issues with OneSearch please let us know!
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