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ASL: Getting Started

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Welcome to the ASL Library Guide!








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Mendocino College librarians are happy to assist with any questions you might have. 

Library Reference Desk

Mendocino College Logo - Student Services - Library

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Get answers to your questions at a time that works for you - in person or via Zoom.

About Your Library Card

Why Do I Need a Library Card?

To check out books, DVDs, textbooks, and more from the Mendocino College Library.

Your library card is also your student ID which you can use to ride Mendocino County Transit for free!

Where Do I Get a Library Card?

In most cases, the first day you become a registered student, you will have a student ID card issued to you. This ID card is your library card. You can also go to the Welcome Center to get an ID card.

What Happens If I Lose My Card?

You can get a replacement card at the Welcome Center. You just need to be a registered student.

What Happens If I Am No Longer a Student at Mendocino College?

You are welcome to visit the library, log in to the computers with a guest pass, and read books, magazines, and newspapers in the library.

Once you re-enroll, your card is activated again.

What Does It Mean To "Check Out" a Library Book?

Checking out a book means you borrow it to take home and read.

Most books you can check out for 4 weeks.

Other books you may only check out for 2 hours. These are called "Reserve Books."

Finally, Lending Library items such as textbooks, chromebooks, hotspots, and calculators are loaned for the entire semester.

How Many Books, DVDs, Music CDs, or Audiobooks Can I Check Out at One Time?
  • A total of 10 books per check-out
  • A maximum of 5 DVDs per check-out
  • A maximum of 5 Audiobooks per check-out
Are There Items That I Cannot Check Out?

Yes. Newspapers, and magazines do not get checked out. You are welcome to read them here in the library!

What If Mendocino College Library Doesn't Have the Book I Want?

Have you tried searching Mendocino County Library's catalog?

How Do I Access My Library Account?

You should be able to renew your items by signing in to your "My Account" in OneSearch.

Here's a screenshot similar to what you should seePrimo Sign In

Can I Renew an Item and For How Long?

Please call us to renew items: 707.468.3158 or send us an email requesting a renewal to

Most items can be renewed for an additional 4 weeks unless

  • That item is already overdue
  • Your student registration has expired
  • You have not yet registered for the next semester
Where Can I Return Library Books?
  • At the Mendocino College Library Circulation Desk.
  • In the "Library Return" book slot at the front of the Learning Resource Center/Library Building.
  • In the book drop near the parking lot by Macmillan Hall.
  • At any of the Centers closest to you: Lake, Coast, or North County Centers.
  • Look for information about end-of-semester drop-off events. These usually happen during Finals Week.

Try OneSearch



OneSearch allows you to find books, articles, videos, images, periodicals and more in a single search.

The OneSearch platform (also known as Primo) is being used at nearly all of the California Community Colleges, all of the California State Universities, and most UCs.

If you have any questions or issues with OneSearch please let us know!

OneSearch - Advanced Search

Ukiah Campus: 707.468.3053 | Coast Center: 707.961.2200 | Lake Center: 707.263.4944 | North County Center: 707.459.6224
Email: Library Webmaster | Mendocino Community College

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