Timeline Source: History.com and Partnership With Native Americans; Image Credits: Erin Tapahe
1492: Columbus Arrives
1700: Disease and War Kills Natives
1830: Indian Removal Act
1838: Cherokee Trail of Tears
1851: Indian Appropriation Act
1862: Homestead Act
1864: Navajo Long Walk
1876: Battle of Little Bighorn
1887: Dawes Act
1890: Wounded Knee Massacre
1891: Indian Education Act
1894: Indian Citizenship Act
1934: The Indian New Deal
1954: Indian Placement Program
1968: Indian Civil Rights Act
1969: Occupation of Alcatraz
1973: Occupation of Wounded Knee
1975: Indian Self-Determination Act
1978: Indian Religious Freedom Act and Indian Child Welfare Act
1990: Native American Languages Act
2016: Standing Rock Movement
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