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Earth Week

Celebrate Earth Week at Mendocino College!


Earth Week Poster Contest

Congratulations to Our Student Winners!

  1.  Best Artwork:  Stephen "Gecko" Fleitz for his amazing ceramic totem pole!

  2.  People's Choice Award:  Alma Marin and Wendy Baltazar for their poster about Microplastics.

  3. Best Judged Poster:  Derrick Romine and Jeffery Tilton for their poster about Fungi.

Earth Week 2024 Poster Contest


Earth - as of - 25 Mar 2024 - 14:30 UTC Status: Orange Alert

Enter For a Chance to Win $100!

What and Who?

Competition for the best scientific poster and for best original artwork focusing on sustainability and climate change. Entries can be made by individual MC students or pairs. There will be three $100 prizes awarded:

(1) Judge’s Choice for Best Scientific Poster (selected by MC science faculty)

(2) Judge’s Choice for Best Original Artwork that includes a short statement of the artwork’s meaning and significance (selected by MC art faculty)

(3) People’s Choice (selected by public vote).

Posters will be judged based on the thoroughness and accuracy of the information, and the quality of references (peer-reviewed sources preferred), language (i.e. grammar, punctuation, etc), and visuals (images, charts, etc).  

Work must be original-no plagiarism will be allowed.
Original artwork will be judged based on demonstration of effort, time spent and attention to both form and content (i.e. material manipulation/craftsmanship and concept/meaning such as the connection to sustainability), submission should include a short statement describing the artwork and your intention (maximum length 500 words), artwork should have been created within the last three years.  All mediums accepted.  

When and Where?

Please deliver your artwork to the Library by noon on 4/22. Please pick up your art work in the library the week of 4/29. Posters should be set up in the Student Center (Lowery Building) by noon on 4/22 or dropped off at the Library prior to this date.  

Please pick up your poster by 4/25 after 3:30 pm, or in the library the next week.

Please label your poster or art work with your name and MC email.  Voting will occur in the Lowery Center from 4/22-4/25 (please vote for your favorite!), with winners announced the next week.

Poster Design?

There is no single right way to design your poster, but you can use the templates below as
a starting point. Please include references and a title and list your name on the front and contact info on the back.

Literature Review Template


Materials Used

Title of Project

Class Name, Grade, Name of School

Photos or Original Drawings


Experimental Research Poster Template


Background Research




Title of Project

Class Name, Grade, Name of School

Photos or Original Drawings

Data Table or Graph




For More Information contact

Rachel Donham (

Chris Ineich (

Brianna Zuber (


Earth Day Celebration - Ukiah

When: Saturday, April 20, 10am to 2pm

Where: Todd Grove Park

Ukiah Campus: 707.468.3053 | Coast Center: 707.961.2200 | Lake Center: 707.263.4944 | North County Center: 707.459.6224
Email: Library Webmaster | Mendocino Community College

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