Use OneSearch to find print and online books, articles, and other types of sources. Limit your results to the types of sources you want by choosing the appropriate items from the following filtering options. (Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box to see the filtering options).
Lending Library
Please remember that you must log in with your student ID & password to access some databases through OneSearch.
Keywords are the words you use to search. Sometimes you have to play around with keywords for a while to find the right terms. As you do your research, keep a list of keywords that help you get to the information you are looking for.
When you find a book or article that is useful, explore its subject headings, which are the categories that describe what it is about.
Learn more about the difference between keywords and subject headings from Virginia Tech University Libraries.
If there are no results matching your search...
If there are too few results matching your search...
educa*will find education, educating, educator
psycholog* will find psychology, psychological
Question mark (?) will match any one character.
gr?y will find gray or grey
m?n will find man and men
To search for a phrase, type quotation marks around the phrase. You can combine both words and phrases in your search.
If you get thousands of results...
Saving your searches...
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