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Nursing: Journal Articles

Guide to nursing resources in the library and beyond

Recommended Library Databases

The most relevant databases will most likely be these EBSCO databases

CINHAL Basic Searching Tutorial

CINHAL Advanced Searching Tutorial

USING Subject Headings/MeSH in CINAHL

Accessing Databases

Go to our Library Homepage

Click on the Library Databases (Articles and eBooks) 

Under "All Subjects" pull down the menu and choose "Health" or "Nursing"

Please Note:

All College Users: Enter your College Username and Password

You will see that the "Best Bets" are

CINAHL Plus with Full Text


Health Source/Nursing Academic Edition


Database Limiters

Look on the left-hand side for ways to limit your search to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed Journals).

Database Limiters

Note: You can limit by date, too!

Care Sheets

Evidence-Based Care Sheets (EBCS) are summaries on specific key topics, which are focused on nursing practice. Each evidence-based care sheet incorporates the latest evidence, statistics, research and references on a given topic. The references are ranked, using a coding matrix, according to the type of literature they represent (systematic reviews, meta-analysis, etc).

From the CINAHL database, you can browse the list of Evidence-Based Care Sheets from the toolbar at the top of the page.

Evidence-Based Care Sheets Circled in CINAHL Banner

CINAHL Evidence-Based Care Sheets

Quick Lessons

CINAHL Quick Lessons

Quick Lessons (QL) are clinically organized nursing overviews, with information mapped to the nursing workflow (i.e. description/etiology, signs and symptoms, assessment, treatment goals, red flags, what to tell the patient/patient’s family). From the CINAHL database homepage, you can browse the list of Quick Lessons from the toolbar at the top of the page. Hover above the More drop-down and select Quick Lessons.

CINAHL Quick Lessons

How to Read a Scholarly Article

***First: Read Jennifer Raff's "How to Read and Understand a Scientific Article" ***

Scholarly articles are often very long.  They can be 10, 20, maybe even 30 pages or more!  Check out this video for tips on how to skim a scholarly article.  This video is presented by the University of Tennesee Chatanooga Library's Online Workshop.

PICO Evidence-Based Search

To formulate the search for evidence-based research answer these questions:

P - Patient/Population/Problem: such as age group, gender, ethnic group, disease or condition

I -   Intervention/Issue: treatment, course of action, symptom

C - Comparison: alternative to compare with the intervention such another treatment, medication or test; not always necessary

O - Outcome: what you are measuring or hoping to accomplish

For example, the PICO for the question: Does having a CT scan as a child increase the risk of cancer?

P = children

I  = CT scan

C = no comparison

O =  cancer risk

Go to the Academic Search Complete database

Click on Advanced Search

Advanced Search in EBSCOHost

Sample Advanced Search

Advanced Search in Health Source: Nursing

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