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Art History: Getting Started

ART and ART HISTORY: A Beginning a guide to Mendocino College library resources in art and art history

Get Help From the Library

Spring Hours

M - Th: 8:30am - 8:00pm

Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Questions about borrowing library textbooks, Chromebooks, or other materials?
Call us: 707-468-3158

Email us:

Need assistance with your research?

Call us: 707-468-3245
Email us:

Ukiah Campus
Library/Learning Center, 2nd Fl.
1000 Hensley Road
Ukiah, CA  95482

Tips for starting your research

Understand the assignment

  • What type of assignment is it? Research paper, personal essay, opinion paper, or other?
  • How long does the paper need to be?
  • Do you need to use specific types of sources such as newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals or websites?
  • How many sources do you need?
  • Which citation style are you going to use for your bibliogrpahy? MLA, APA, Chicago or other?

Choose a topic

  • Think about a topic that might interest you, you know something about, or you feel strongly about.
  • Find a topic in your textbook, a class reading or class discussion.
  • Still stumped? Look at today's New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post, or Google News and find a story that interests you and do more research.

Develop Keywords

  • Keywords are the terms you use to search for information on your topic.
  • Two or more words (a phrase) should be searched in "quotes" for better results.
  • Try synonyms, related words, and broader terms if your first search doesn't yield the right kind of results.
  • Use AND to limit your search and OR to broaden.


Ukiah Campus: 707.468.3053 | Coast Center: 707.961.2200 | Lake Center: 707.263.4944 | North County Center: 707.459.6224
Email: Library Webmaster | Mendocino Community College

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