The Chicago Manual of Style recommends using the Turabian style to set up a student paper. Your paper will include several components: a title page, the body of your paper, an endnotes list (if using endnotes), and a bibliography.
If your instructor has requested a different format or additional elements, use your instructor's preferences.
The margins of the paper should be set to 1" (one inch) all around.
For more information, see Change the Margins in Your Word Document
The line spacing for the paper should be set to double spacing.
For more information, see Change the Line Spacing in Word
The font should be a standard size (such as 12 point) and an easy to read font, such as Times New Roman.
For more information, see Change the Font Size
Insert the page number in the right area of the header. Use the built-in page numbering system; do not attempt to type each page number manually.
For more information, see Insert Page Numbers
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (style guidelines originally by Kate Turabian), recommends that class papers will either include a title page or include the title on the first page of the text. Ask your instructor and then use the following guidelines for creating your title page.
For more information, see Add a Cover Page
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